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May 20, 2022

Should You Keep More Cash on Hand When the Market is Volatile?
Alli Thomas

One of the most commonly asked questions that financial planners get from their clients is how much cash they should have readily available in retirement (we’ve even covered it before on the blog).  

 This question may always be floating around in the back of retirees’ minds–but it becomes even more pressing when trouble rears its head, as it has recently (in the form of interest rate hikeshigh inflation, and stressful geopolitical news).  

You might have a sizable nest egg saved (and congratulations if you do!), but if all of it is tied up in stocks, selling some of those positions to pay the bills could have a long-term impact on your overall financial picture–especially if you do so early in your retirement. 

So, how much liquidity should an early retiree aim to maintain when market volatility is high?  

Many experts agree that, at a minimum, you should keep one full year of living expenses in cash. This amount can vary, however, depending on your other sources of retirement income, such as Social Security. And, if you’re especially conservative, you may want to keep up to two years of living expenses in cash.  

Keep in mind, though, that market volatility can resolve quickly and unexpectedly. If too much of your nest egg is out of the market, you’ll miss that rebound. And, over the long term, cash just can’t keep up with inflation.  

The follow-up question, naturally, is “where should I keep the cash?”  

The most obvious answer is a bank account (although that may not be the best option unless it’s a high-yield account). A money market mutual fund is also an attractive option for cash. Whatever you decide, make sure you have easy access to the account, so that you can withdraw from it when you need it. 

Wondering how much cash you should have access to? An advisor can help you figure it out. Click here to schedule a no-obligation meeting with one of our experts to get some ideas–and this one’s on us. 

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