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June 12, 2023

Why Retirement Planning is Crucial for Your Financial Future
David Hicks

Planning for your golden years might seem overwhelming, but with the right guidance and resources, you can achieve the retirement you’ve always imagined. With Oakmont Advisory Group, a trusted financial advisor in Albuquerque, NM, we strive to empower our clients with comprehensive retirement planning strategies. Let’s explore why having a financial plan in place with us before retirement is crucial for securing your financial future.

Understanding Financial Planning with Oakmont Advisory Group

A financial plan is your personal roadmap to your financial goals, molded to your unique circumstances, needs, and aspirations. At Oakmont, we believe in holistic financial planning, which takes into account every aspect of your financial life from savings, budgeting, investing, insurance, to tax and retirement planning.

The Importance of Pre-Retirement Financial Planning with Oakmont Advisory Group

Achieve Your Retirement Goals
At Oakmont Advisory Group, we understand that each client has a unique vision of their retirement. Whether you dream of travelling the world, contributing to charities, or simply enjoying a relaxed lifestyle, our retirement planning approach is designed to help you turn those dreams into a reality.

Manage Longevity Risk
With the increasing life expectancy, ensuring that your retirement savings last is crucial. Our experts specialize in crafting strategies that mitigate longevity risk, safeguarding your financial well-being throughout your retirement.

Prepare for Health Care Costs
Rising healthcare costs can pose a significant financial burden in retirement. We incorporate health insurance and medical savings provisions into our financial planning, protecting you from unforeseen health-related expenses.

Combat Inflation
Inflation can quietly erode your purchasing power over time. At Oakmont, we focus on creating investment strategies that aim to outpace inflation, helping you maintain your desired lifestyle even in your retirement years.

Efficient Legacy Planning
Leaving a legacy can be an essential part of your retirement plan. With Oakmont’s expertise in legacy and estate planning, we ensure your wealth is passed on in a tax-efficient manner, honoring your wishes and benefiting your loved ones.

How Oakmont Advisory Group Can Help You Plan for Retirement

  1. Define Your Retirement Goals: Our experts assist you in clearly identifying your retirement aspirations, guiding the financial planning process.
  2. Assess Your Current Financial Status:We provide a detailed analysis of your financial health, including income, expenses, savings, investments, and debts, setting a clear starting point for your financial plan.
  3. Create a Saving and Investment Strategy: We help you devise an effective savings and investment strategy based on your goals and current financial status, focusing on diversifying your portfolio and combating inflation.
  4. Healthcare Cost Planning: We ensure you’re prepared for potential healthcare costs with comprehensive strategies, such as health insurance, health savings accounts, and long-term care insurance.
  5. Professional Guidance: With Oakmont Advisory Group in Albuquerque, NM, you’re not alone in this journey. We provide professional guidance, walking you through every step of your retirement planning process.

Planning for retirement may seem daunting, but with Oakmont Advisory Group, it doesn’t have to be. Start building your financial plan today for a secure, fulfilling, and worry-free retirement tomorrow. Contact us to begin your journey to a successful retirement.

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Retirement is complex. Let us do the worrying for you. Complete this short survey to see if we could be a good fit and schedule a time to talk.

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A Weekly Letter from
David Hicks